Saturday, February 19, 2011

Things around our house have been busy. So this is about what I feel like. *laughs* 

I've been sketching more and more straight from my tablet rather than starting with my sketcbook. Which is good as it's taking me less time to do what I'd like to.

My goal is to be able to whip up an illustration in around an hour. 

We've been working on our newspaper so we can get it up and running. If you'd like to stop by and check it out it' 
Sign up and join in! 
But enough shameless advertising. 
I've got a new shirt design sketched up and while it's based on a theme you don't have to know the theme to understand it. Hubb and I decided not to enter it in this round of voting at the site I normally do. Rather, were going to see if we can get it printed somewhere else. ^_^ 
It's really a kids design, and if I can find a way to get it printed I'll share it! 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A new design up for Voting!

As you can tell I've not done my illustrations for the past few days, I've been working on other things.
One of those things being something you can vote for, so I figured I'd pander for some votes ^_~

This weeks theme was the letter T so it was wide open. I went with the obvious sound, Tea.